- 1979 LK founded by Mr. Liu Siong Song.
- 1979 LK machine brand name was established.
- 1980 The first LK hot chamber die-casting machine was launched.
- 1989 The first LK plastic injection molding machine was launched.

- 1991 LK built its first manufacturing plant in China.
- 1993 LK donated a die-casting machine to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University to support local education.
- 1994 Opening Ceremony of LK plastic injection molding machine manufacturing plant in Zhongshan, China.
- 1994 LK was awarded the "Machinery and Equipment Design Certificate of Merit".

- 2001 LK Shenzhen was established as headquarters of LK Group in China. Ningbo LK Machinery Co. Ltd. was established in 2002 to further facilitate sales and services in eastern China.
- 2006 LK successfully listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (stock code 558) on 16 October 2006.
- 2008 LK was awarded "HK TOP BRAND".
- 2008 LK acquired one of the world's leading die-casting machine manufacturers, Idra.

- 2012 LK CNC machine manufacturing plant in Taiwan commenced operations.
- 2013 LK three color plastic injection molding machine won the "2013 Hong Kong Awards for Industries Machinery and Machine Tools Design Award".
- 2016 Inauguration of the LK new production plants in Ningbo and Zhongshan, China.
- 2017 Mr. Liu Zhuo Ming was appointed Chief Executive Officer of LK.